Journal Detail
Journal Name | |
ISSN (P) | 2637-4706 |
ISSN (O) | 2637-4706 |
Country | United States of America |
Frequency | Bi-Monthly |
Journal Discipline | |
Area of specialization | |
Organization | |
Journal Language | |
Year of First Publication | 2017 |
Web Site | |
Editor | Mary John |
Indexed | | | |
Phone No. | +1 (914) 407-61 |
Cosmos Impact Factor | 2018 : 3.143 |
Journal Description | Drug Designing & Intellectual Properties International Journal (DDIPIJ) is an international peer reviewed open access journal presenting original research and contributions and scientific advances in the field of drug design and development. Drug Designing & Intellectual Properties International Journal welcomes research articles, review articles, letter to the editors, editorials, case reports and innovations relating to all aspects of drug design and development and related sciences. Intellectual property (IP) pertains to any original creation of the human intellect such as artistic, literary, scientific creation. Several types properties of intellectual property protection like patent, copy right, trademark, etc. Patent is recognition for invention, which satisfies the criteria of global innovation, non obviousness. |