Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2588-1620
ISSN (O) 2676-2242
Country Algérie
Frequency Bi-Annual
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2017
Web Site
Editor University of Laghouat
Phone No. +213675864787
Cosmos Impact Factor 2019 : 4.981
Journal Description

The Journal of Legal and Political Thought is a specialized, scientific, academic, refereed, and interantional journal. It adopts free publishing in a semi-annually form by the College of Law and Political Science at Ammar Thaliji University – Laghouat – and enables researchers to freely access its contents through various electronic platforms and search engines. The Journal of Legal and Political Thought aims to contribute in developing and disseminating knowledge in the field of legal, administrative and political sciences and is directed to specialized researchers inside and outside the country, who wish to reach their readers outside the traditional fixed sites through their own cyberspace in the Algerian platform for scientific journals, so that they can submit their research in the Arabic language, French and English. The journal targets graduate students, university professors and all researchers, whether in research circles, academic, government departments, or social and economic institutions at the national and international levels. The magazine is published in hard and electronic copies.