Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2716-9898
ISSN (O) 2716-9898
Country Iran
Frequency Quarterly
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2019
Web Site
Editor Abasalt Bodaghi
Phone No. 00989107576335
Cosmos Impact Factor 2019 : 3.712
Journal Description

Mathematical Analysis and its Contemporary Applications (MACA) is a peer-reviewed electronic journal publishing original, innovative and creative research results. MACA presents papers that treat mathematical analysis and its numerous applications. Manuscripts will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that they have not been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication in other journals. Manuscript decision is based on peer review process. Editors evaluate submitted papers strictly on the basis of scientific merit with the help of peer review reports, without regard to authors' nationality, country of residence, institutional affiliation, ethnic origin, or political views.