Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2722-1520
ISSN (O) 2722-1520
Country Indonesia
Frequency Bi-Annual
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2020
Web Site
Editor Muhammad Iqbal Al Ghozali
Phone No. 08998894014
Cosmos Impact Factor 2019 : 3.520
Journal Description

Edubase : Journal of Basic Education is a scientific journal published by the Bunga Bangsa Islamic Institute of Cirebon. This journal publication aims to publish scientific articles in the fields of: 1) learning strategies, models and methods in SD / MI; 2) media, materials, resources and learning technology in SD / MI; 3) Evaluation of learning learning in SD / MI; 4) the development of children's educational psychology in SD / MI; 5) Development of education curriculum in SD / MI; 6) also school management in the realm of SD / MI. The Edubase Journal has been published since the beginning of 2020 and is published online. This publication is available online through open access.