Journal Detail
Journal Name | |
ISSN (P) | 2349-1078 |
ISSN (O) | N.A. |
Country | India |
Frequency | Bi-Annual |
Journal Discipline | |
Area of specialization | |
Organization | |
Journal Language | |
Year of First Publication | 2012 |
Web Site | |
Editor | Dr. Mini Kundi |
Indexed | | | |
Phone No. | 91-1605017000 |
Cosmos Impact Factor | |
Journal Description | The CU-Global Management Review is a bi-annual international journal dedicated to provide a platform to share and exchange knowledge of the latest research and practical information on all aspects of management. The journal publishes original research papers/articles/book reviews and case studies by academicians, business and government contributors on strategies, tools and technologies for management practices. The journal has created a distinctive place in the field of management and has been widely recognised by the scholars and thinkers as a valued medium for sharing their ideas and experience. |