Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 23497025
ISSN (O) 23497025
Country INDIA
Frequency Bi-Monthly
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2012
Web Site
Editor Prof. (Dr) Sharrock Brayn
Phone No. 9827006435
Cosmos Impact Factor
Journal Description

International Journal of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) is an internationalscholarly referred research journal published monthly. The journal aims to publish original and high quality peer reviewed research and review articles, short communications, letter to editor, technical reports, case reports and book reviews containing significant results across all fields of Ayurvedic, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathic medicine and related aspects. Emphasizing a substantial advance in their field the journal seeks work that presents innovative techniques that offer promising results for future research. The benefits of publishing with International Journal of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) include the open access to articles freely available online, meticulous peer review and levelheaded publication time without compromising quality.