Journal Detail
Journal Name | |
ISSN (P) | NA |
ISSN (O) | 2583-7396 |
Country | India |
Frequency | Bi-Monthly |
Journal Discipline | |
Area of specialization | |
Organization | |
Journal Language | |
Year of First Publication | 2022 |
Web Site | |
Editor | Dr. Neerav Adalja |
Indexed | | | |
Phone No. | +91-9650568176 |
Cosmos Impact Factor | |
Journal Description | International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary is an International, Open Access, Double Blind Peer Reviewed, Refereed and Multidisciplinary journal which is Indexed and abstracted by the ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), Google Scholar, ORCID,, Research gate and many other reputed databases and indexing agencies. This journal follows all the norms as per the UGC Care listed journals. The prime focus of the journal “International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary” is to provide a platform to the academicians, researchers, scientists, doctors and subject specialists to spread their research, review, policies, discussions and analysis to the academic world. |