Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2757-5675
ISSN (O) 2757-5675
Country Türkiye
Frequency Quarterly
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2016
Web Site
Editor Seyithan SEYDOSOGLU
Phone No. +9005446458100
Cosmos Impact Factor
Journal Description

MAS Journal of Applied Sciences is an international peer-reviewed journal that is planned to be published 4 times a year (March, June, September, December). The journal publishes articles in the fields of international engineering, health, science and natural sciences. Our journal is scanned in Open Aire, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Google Scholar, PKP Index, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Index Copernicus, Academic Resource Index, British Index, Root Indexing, Cite Factor and Openair indexes. Articles are evaluated by at least two referees using blind refereeing.