Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2583-8717
ISSN (O) 2583-8717
Country India
Frequency Quarterly
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2023
Web Site
Editor Prof.(Dr.) S.S Modi
Phone No. 9828571010
Cosmos Impact Factor 2023 : 6.382
2024 : 6.972
Journal Description

The International Journal of Global Research Innovations & Technology (IJGRIT) is an open access peer reviewed refereed research journal in the discipline of Commerce, Management, Information Technology, Humanities, Education, Modern Management, Applied Sciences & Social Sciences published quarterly by INSPIRA. The journal is intended to provide a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge through genuine researchers. The aims to promote high quality empirical research papers, methodological work, realistic analysis and critical perspectives that contribute authentic and scientific knowledge in the sphere of Commerce, Management, Information Technology, Humanities, Education, Modern Management, Applied Sciences & Social Sciences, its theory and practice. The journal encourages and stimulates focused discussion and engagement with significant themes. It gives a broad exposure to the research scholars in the field of Commerce, Management, Information Technology, Humanities, Education, Modern Management, Applied Sciences & Social Sciences. The journal is beneficial for the worldwide research community to communicate and synchronize their research activities leading to growth and application of research and technology.