Journal Detail
Journal Name | |
ISSN (P) | 2580-9016 |
ISSN (O) | 2581-1797 |
Country | Indonesia |
Frequency | Bi-Annual |
Journal Discipline | |
Area of specialization | |
Organization | |
Journal Language | |
Year of First Publication | 2017 |
Web Site | |
Editor | Husen Alting |
Indexed | | | |
Phone No. | 081343974566 |
Cosmos Impact Factor | |
Journal Description | Khairun Law Journal (KLJ) is an official journal of Faculty of Law, Khairun University.The scope of the articles published in KLJ is deal with a broad range of topics, including: Criminal Law; Civil Law; International Law; Constitutional Law; Administrative Law; Islamic Law; Economic Law; Medical Law; Agrarian Law; Adat Law; and Environmental Law. |