Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2583-0848
ISSN (O) 2583-0848
Country India
Frequency Quarterly
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2021
Web Site
Editor Prof.Dipak Kumar Roy
Phone No. 8016929279
Cosmos Impact Factor
Journal Description

Trisangam is an International Double-Blind Peer Reviewed (refereed) Research journal on Language, Literature and Culture. Four issues are published annually. To the serious readers the trisangam is highly adorned as a journal of research in the field of social, cultural, anthropological, literary, language’s and other’s aspects of Northern and North-East Region. The pointed attention is given by the journal to unfold to open up the rich resources of the West Bengal, North – East India and Neighbouring area to the great mass readers interact in the subjects.