Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2980-2644
ISSN (O) 2980-2644
Country Türkiye
Frequency Bi-Annual
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2023
Web Site
Editor serkan k?rkeser
Phone No. 5425013703
Cosmos Impact Factor
Journal Description

The journal "Hetorotopic View" was published in 2023. It is a scientific and international "blind-refereed" applied journal that accepts studies in the fields of social sciences and educational sciences. Some of the research areas accepted for examination in the journal are as follows: All disciplines within the Faculty of Education (Educational Sciences, Mathematics and Science Education, Elementary Education, Social Sciences Education, Special Education, Foreign Languages Education, Fine Arts Education, Computer and Instructional Technologies, etc.) and Law, Economics, Business Administration, Communication, Tourism, Fine Arts, Religious Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy, Language, International Relations, Management Sciences, Human and Social Sciences, Political Science and Public Administration, etc. The journal is published electronically as 2 (two) issues per year, in December and June. In addition to these issues, special issues may be published in the journal. The published studies are expected to establish a relationship with and contribute to the conceptual, methodological and theoretical literature of the discipline they are related to. In this sense, the journal, which adopts the principle of announcing original studies to the world, attaches importance to all kinds of efforts put forward by academics from different countries. In order to internationalise this importance, the journal accepts studies prepared in Turkish or English. Heterotopic View journal includes scientific research articles, critical review articles, opinion articles, case and project presentations and review articles.