Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2437-1009
ISSN (O) 2773-2509
Country Algérie
Frequency Bi-Annual
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2014
Web Site
Editor University of Lonesy Ali Blida 2
Phone No. +213671564478
Cosmos Impact Factor
Journal Description

"REAL ESTATE LAW JOURNAL" is an international scientific journal, peer-reviewed, published semi-annually, electronically and in free open source form, issued by the Law and Real Estate Laboratory at the University of Blida 2 Lounici Ali – Algeria. Founded in 2014, it focuses on specialized articles in the field of law and political science. Especially specializations related to real estate law; It aims to provide the opportunity for all researchers, whether they are university professors, research professors, or doctoral students; and practicing professionals (Judges, lawyers...), To disseminate their scientific and academic production, which is characterized by originality and seriousness, in the field of real estate law and related topics, such as urban studies, building and construction, architecture, renewable energies, environmental protection, and forests; With commitment to the ethics of scientific research and scientific methodology. The real estate journal publishes serious scientific research and studies that have not previously been published or submitted for publication, and which are characterized by scientific integrity, which are represented in: original research, reports of conferences, forums, and scientific symposia, and summaries of distinguished scientific theses recommended for publication. The real estate journal is published in Arabic, French, and English. Every research that meets the rules, conditions and standards is accepted for publication within the framework of updating and developing scientific research in the targeted specializations in the journal.