Journal Detail

Journal Name
ISSN (P) 2708-8006
ISSN (O) 2708-8006
Country Oman
Frequency Quarterly
Journal Discipline
Area of specialization
Journal Language
Year of First Publication 2020
Web Site
Editor Prof. Firdouse R Khan
Phone No. 91752210
Cosmos Impact Factor
Journal Description

International Journal of Research in Entrepreneurship & Business Studies (Int. j. res. entrep. bus. stud.) e-ISSN-2708-8006 The International Journal of Research in Entrepreneurship & Business Studies (IJREBS) is an online, open-access research journal dedicated to publishing blind peer-reviewed research in the field of Business Studies. IJREBS aims to publish articles, original research results, reviews, and case studies on recent trends in the field of Entrepreneurship, Commerce, and Business Studies, the themes, and the sub-themes are broadly classified as follows: Entrepreneurship, Management, Banking, Finance & Insurance, Marketing, Economics, Tourism, Information Technology & International Business. The scope is to create an easy avenue and platform for budding academicians in the Middle East region and developing countries by enhancing research facilities through support and assistance and extending the same to interested researchers worldwide.